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Comparison of in-house hiring vs. remote vet clinic support, highlighting cost savings, efficiency, and flexibility for veterinary practices.

Is Hiring In-House Worth It? Why Remote Support Wins for Vets

The veterinary industry in the US is worth around $66 billion, and this means it’s not only lucrative but also highly competitive. Therefore, you need all the help you can get to inch ahead of your competition. Naturally, the best areas to look for help in are administrative and operational support. But hiring new staff to provide vet clinic support can be expensive. However, what if there was an alternative way to deliver this help? Well, there is, all you need is remote-based vet clinic support.
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Illustration of a tablet with various general medical images and layouts depicting medical data entry.

Advantages of Outsourcing Medical Data Entry

Mar 28, 2018

Data entry is vital for any medical office, but it can be time-consuming and expensive to do in-house. It can leave providers and office staff struggling to keep up with patient records and administrative tasks. This can lead to entry errors and issues with medical billing and coding. While many believe hiring an in-house data […]

Virtual Medical Office

Virtual Medical Office: Why Pay More?

Oct 27, 2017

Doctors want to make sure they can give the best care to all of their patients, but it’s not an easy task in a world which is getting busier and more complicated every day. As a result of this increased workload, doctors are finding that they have to spread themselves & their budgets further and […]

Duties of a Virtual Medical Receptionist

Virtual Medical Receptionist: How It Can Save Your Practice Time & Money

Oct 4, 2017

Medical practices are facing more and more challenges as the capabilities of healthcare grow, and patient expectations become higher.  While this provides the promise of greater patient care, it also has a massive impact on the workday of doctors and any other staff working in a medical practice or office.  Thankfully, help is at hand […]

Hello Rache: Virtual Medical Scribe

Virtual Medical Scribe: 6 Key Benefits Over a Regular Medical Scribe

Sep 20, 2017

Advances in medicine have ensured that doctors can treat patients more effectively than ever before, but it’s also led to a seemingly impossible workload for doctors. In particular, the clerical work involved in retrieving and recording patient information has proved to be a major obstacle for doctors providing the level of primary care they’re capable […]