Foundational Training

Our independent Healthcare Virtual Assistants® are trained extensively in phone communication skills, common medical terminology, and medical scribing.

They all have a background in a medical profession - mostly registered nurses, but can vary.

The Same Person

After reviewing our database of online profiles, our clients are able to pick and choose who they would like to work with. They get to work with the same independent Healthcare Virtual Assistant®, every day - much like an in-office worker.

Consistency and specific workflow is key. This allows our clients to build a long-term working relationship.

HIPAA Training

All of our independent Healthcare Virtual Assistants® are certified in HIPAA training. We run NBI background checks on each of our HVAs and make sure that is free and clear. Our clients will have access to these professional documents such as HIPAA training certificate, photo ID, diploma, NBI background check.

Security & Time Tracking

During our vetting process our HVAs are required to undergo and pass computer security/technical audits. We do track and monitor all of our Healthcare Virtual Assistants® time using an online time tracking software. It tracks mouse and keyboard movements/activity. Our clients will have a login to access this as well.

Virtual Receptionist

The Lowdown on Virtual Receptionists

Cost-effective at $9.50 per hour with no contracts, no minimums, no setup fees, and easy to implement into your practice. A virtual receptionist is a remote worker who is able to operate as your practice’s first point of contact. Undertaking all the tasks associated with an in-house receptionist, a virtual medical receptionist will handle incoming calls, arrange and confirm appointments, carry out verifications of insurance, deal with patients and make plans for referrals.

As we’ve already established, virtual receptionists are remote workers, but their connection with your practice can be absolutely seamless. By utilizing Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) software. 

Virtual receptionists can make and receive phone calls from local area codes (such as the practice’s location) through their PC. Patients will be instantly connected with the virtual receptionist and receive the same level of care as if they were dealing with a receptionist who was physically in your practice.

Virtual Receptionist
Medical Answering Service

No Need for an Answering Service

Many practices rely on an answering service to deal with customer queries in lieu of an actual receptionist on the front desk. Whilst this ensures patients are able to, at the very least, report issues, the reality is that many patients are prone to hanging up when they hear the cold, emotionless answering service message kick in.

This certainly doesn’t do your practice or the patient any favors, but with a virtual receptionist in place you can provide a more engaging form of communication to keep your patients satisfied. And it’s also important to remember that you’re not limited to having just one virtual receptionist, you can have as many as you like.

Virtual Scribe Relationship

Reduce the Admin Workload

Running a medical practice is not a simple business and with the rapid increase of new statutes and new procedures, the paperwork involved is becoming a real nightmare; in-house admin staff are finding that more and more of their time is being taken up with menial tasks that provide little value for the practice and its patients.

The presence of a fully trained virtual receptionist, though, means that your admin staff have the opportunity to pass less time crucial admin tasks over whilst they concentrate on more pressing tasks. This ever present backup solution for admin allows a better service to be provided by your practice and also reduces the stress on your in-house staff which can easily lead to frustration and mistakes.

Virtual Scribe Relationship
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